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2024-07-27 12:07:27 +00:00
use kornrunner\Blurhash\Blurhash;
function mime_to_extension($mime) {
return match ($mime) {
'image/gif' => '.gif',
'image/jpeg' => '.jpg',
'image/png' => '.png',
'image/webp' => '.webp',
default => ''
* Squishes an image into a 128x128 square, and converts it to JPEG
* if it is not a JPEG, PNG, WEBP or GIF.
* @param string $path
* @return array
function turn_image_into_avatar(string $path): array
$manager = new \Intervention\Image\ImageManager(
new \Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver()
$image = $manager->read($path);
// Get mimetype
$mime = mime_content_type($path);
$filetype = mime_to_extension($mime);
$enc = $image->resize(width: 128, height: 128);
if ($filetype=='') {
$enc = $image->encodeByMediaType('image/webp');
$filetype = '.webp';
} else {
$enc = $image->encodeByMediaType();
$image_data = (string) $enc;
return [
"data" => $image_data,
"mime" => $enc->mimetype(),
'filetype' => $filetype
function get_blurhash_for_image($image): string
// Copied shamelessly from
$width = imagesx($image);
$height = imagesy($image);
$pixels = [];
for ($y = 0; $y < $height; ++$y) {
$row = [];
for ($x = 0; $x < $width; ++$x) {
$index = imagecolorat($image, $x, $y);
$colors = imagecolorsforindex($image, $index);
$row[] = [$colors['red'], $colors['green'], $colors['blue']];
$pixels[] = $row;
$components_x = 4;
$components_y = 3;
return Blurhash::encode($pixels, $components_x, $components_y);
function upload_file($filename, $target, $owner=null) {
global $bunny_client;
$bunny_client->upload($filename, $target);
// Get file mime time
$mime = mime_content_type($filename);
$blurhash = '';
if (str_starts_with('image/', $mime)) {
$blurhash = get_blurhash_for_image(imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($filename)));
'INSERT INTO files (path, uploader, blurhash) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
[$target, $owner, $blurhash]
function upload_raw_data($data, $target, $owner=null) {
$filename = '/tmp/'.uniqid(more_entropy: true);
file_put_contents($filename, $data);
upload_file($filename, $target, $owner);
* @throws \Bunny\Storage\Exception
* @throws ImagickException
function upload_avatar($data, $user): string
global $bunny_client;
$img = turn_image_into_avatar($data['tmp_name']);
$uuid = uniqid(prefix: 'avatar', more_entropy: true);
$remote_file_name = 'avatars/'.$uuid.$img['filetype'];
upload_raw_data($img['data'], $remote_file_name);
$file = db_execute('SELECT id FROM files WHERE path = ? LIMIT 1', [$remote_file_name]);
$existing_avatar = db_execute('SELECT * FROM avatars WHERE owner = ?', [$user['id']]);
if (empty($existing_avatar)) {
'INSERT INTO avatars (file_id, owner) VALUES (?, ?)',
[$file['id'], $user['id']]
} else {
'UPDATE avatars SET file_id = ? WHERE owner = ?',
[$file['id'], $user['id']]
return 'https://'.BUNNY_STORAGE_ZONE.''.$remote_file_name;
* @param $id int
* @return void
function delete_file_by_id(int $id): void
global $bunny_client;
// Get remote path
$file = db_execute('select * from files where id = ?', [$id]);
if (empty($file)) {
// Remove reference to the file in the database
db_execute('delete from files where id = ?', [$id]);
// Then remove the file