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2024-02-17 12:04:47 +00:00
// Disable warnings lol
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING);
// Determine the app we are dealing with.
$flash = "";
$error = "";
if (null != $query['appid']) {
$app_id = $query['appid'];
} else {
$error = ["No app ID specified.", 200];
goto login;
$app = db_execute("SELECT * FROM apps WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", [$app_id]);
$doc_title = "Sign in to " . $app['title'];
// Lets check that the callback matches the app...
if (null == $query['callback']) {
$disable_logging_in = true;
$error = ["No callback URL.", 400];
goto login;
if ($query['callback'] != $app['callback']) {
$disable_logging_in = true;
$error = ["Callback URL doesn't match our records.", 400];
goto login;
// Here's a few easy steps to figure out if we should give the other party a token or not.
// First: match the session ids. If they aren't the same it's probably Not Ok.
if (session_id() != $_POST['sessionid']) {
echo "<h1>401 Unauthorised</h1><p>You are not permitted to view this content.</p>";
// Now let's determine if we're logged in or not. We can use the session for this, and verify using the
// `bcid` value (which only appears if youre logged in!!!)
if ($_SESSION['auth']) {
if (null == $_POST['bcid'] || $_SESSION['id'] != $_POST['bcid']) {
// Both of these suggest tampering,
// let's log the user out and throw an error.
$_SESSION['auth'] = false;
$_SESSION['id'] = null;
$flash = "Sorry, something went wrong. Please sign in again.";
goto login;
else { // of course, there's also the case that you WERENT logged in. Let's verify if you're logged in or not.
$user_db_version = db_execute("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE email = ?", [$_POST['email']]);
if (!password_verify($_POST['password'], $user_db_version['password']) || null == $user_db_version) {
// or the account doesn't exist. we don't care either way.
$flash = "Incorrect email or password.";
} else {
// if it's correct, we'll still force them to click log in again anyway. I'll also be nice and set the
// cookies properly.
$_SESSION['id'] = $user_db_version['id'];
$_SESSION['auth'] = true;
$user = $user_db_version;
goto login;
// The following gets run assuming we know the client is the one CLICKING the button.
$tokens = generate_basic_access_token($_POST['bcid']);
header('Location: '. $_POST['callback'].'?access_token='.$tokens['access'].'&refresh='.$tokens['refresh']
<!DOCTYPE html>
<?php include ("head.php"); ?>
<?php include("header.php"); ?>
<div id="loginform">
<?php if ("" != $error) {goto error_no_app;} ?>
<h1>Sign into <?= $app['title'] ?></h1>
<p class="subtitle">Owned by <strong><?= get_display_name($app['owner_id'], put_bcid_in_parenthesis: true) ?></strong></p>
<p><?= $app['description'] ?></p>
if ($error) {
echo "
<div class='error center'>
<span class='fa-regular fa-2xl center fa-xmark-circle'></span>
<h2>Something went wrong!</h2>
<p>Server returned error:<br /><code>$error[0]</code> (HTTP response code $error[1])</p>
goto dont_show_form;
<p><strong><?= $app['title'] ?></strong> uses ByeCorps ID for authentication.</p>
<p>Please double-check the information and avoid signing in with your BCID if you do not trust this app.</p>
<p>Please confirm that you'd like to sign into <strong><?= $app['title'] ?></strong>.</p>
if (null != $flash) {
echo "<p class='flash'>$flash</p>";
} else {
echo "<br />";
<form class="login" method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="<?= session_id() ?>" />
<?php if ($_SESSION['auth'])
{ $bcid = $user['id']; echo "<input type='hidden' name='bcid' value='$bcid' />";
echo "<p class='subtitle'>You are signed in as ". get_display_name($_SESSION['id'],
put_bcid_in_parenthesis: true) . ". <a>Not you?</a>.";
goto signedin; } ?>
<p class="subtitle">You will need to sign in first.</p>
<input type="email" autocomplete="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="Email" />
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" placeholder="Password" />
<?php signedin: ?>
<button class="primary" type="submit">Sign into <?= $app['title']; ?></button>
<button class="secondary" type="reset">GET ME OUT OF HERE</button>
<p class="subtitle center">
You will be brought to <strong><?= $query['callback'] ?></strong>.
<br /><?= $app['title'] ?> will be able to see your email and display name.
<input type="hidden" name="callback" value="<?= $query['callback'] ?>" />
<?php dont_show_form: ?>