'en', "name" => "English (Traditional)", "flag" => "uk" ], [ 'code' => 'en_US', "name" => 'English (Simplified)', 'flag' => 'usa' ], [ 'code' => 'en_UWU', 'name' => 'Cute English', 'flag' => 'owo' ], [ 'code' => 'ga', 'name' => 'Irish', 'flag' => 'ie' ], [ 'code' => 'nb_NO', 'name' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'flag' => 'no' ] ]; function get_string($key="generic.generic", $substitutes=[]) { global $LANG; $key_path = explode('.', $key); $result = $LANG; foreach ($key_path as $k) { if (isset($result[$k])) { $result = $result[$k]; } else { return $key; } } if (count($substitutes) > 0) { foreach ($substitutes as $key => $substitute) { $re = '/{{('. $key .')}}/'; $subst = $substitute; $result = preg_replace($re, $subst, $result, 1); } } return $result; } function get_language_code_based_on_browser_locale(): string { $locale = locale_accept_from_http($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); $locales = [ // Converts locale to its respective language. 'en_GB' => 'en', 'en_IE' => 'en', 'en' => 'en', ]; if (array_key_exists($locale, $locales)) { return $locales[$locale]; } if (str_starts_with("en", $locale)) { return "en"; } return $locale; } function patch_lang($lang="en"): void { global $LANG, $DOC_ROOT; $temp = $LANG; if (file_exists("$DOC_ROOT/strings/$lang.php")) { require_once("$DOC_ROOT/strings/$lang.php"); } function merge_arrays($original, $new) { foreach ($new as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { if (!isset($original[$key])) { $original[$key] = []; } $original[$key] = merge_arrays($original[$key], $value); } else { // Replace only if the value is not blank if ($value !== '') { $original[$key] = $value; } } } return $original; } $LANG = merge_arrays($temp, $LANG); }