Database is broken. Please tell an admin.'); if ($uri_string == "/admin/init/database") { // Allows access to this page even if user doesn't have admin rights // because you can't check the rights. echo "
"; include "admin_initdatabase.php"; die ("
"); } } if (defined("SENTRY_DSN")) { \Sentry\init([ 'dsn' => SENTRY_DSN, // Specify a fixed sample rate 'traces_sample_rate' => 1.0, // Set a sampling rate for profiling - this is relative to traces_sample_rate 'profiles_sample_rate' => 1.0, ]); } function does_variable_exists( $variable ) { return (isset($$variable)) ? "true" : "false"; } if(isset($query_string[1])) { $uri_string = $query_string[0]; $query_string = explode('&', $query_string[1]); $query = array(); foreach($query_string as $string) { $bits = explode('=', $string); $query[$bits[0]] = $bits[1]; } } else { $query = array(); } $include = "404.html"; // routing $paths = array( "/" => ["landing.php"], "/admin" => ['admin.php'], "/admin/init/database" => ["admin_initdatabase.php"], "/admin/list/accounts" => ["admin_accounts.php"], "/admin/list/apps" => ["admin_apps.php"], "/admin/create/app" => ["admin_apps_create.php"], "/admin/purge" => ["admin_purge.php"], "/account" => ["account.php", "Your account"], "/signin" => ["signin.php", "Sign in"], "/signup" => ["signup.php", "Sign up"], "/signout" => ["signout.php", "Signed out"], "/forgot/password" => ["forgot_password.php", "Forgot password"], "/admin/signinas" => ["signinas.php"], "/reset/password" => ["reset_password.php", "Reset password"], "/docs" => ["docs.php", "Docs"], "/credits" => ["credits.php", "Credits"], "/profile" => ["profile.php", "Profile"], "/signin/external/basic" => ["login_external_basic.php"] ); if (!empty($uri) ) { // Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. if ($uri[0] == "api") { include("api_handler.php"); exit(); // fuck this shit i'm out } } if (isset($paths[$path])) { $include = $paths[$path][0]; if (isset($paths[$path][1])) { $doc_title = $paths[$path][1]; } } else { $doc_title = "404"; http_response_code(404); } if ($include == "login_external_basic.php") { goto skip_formalities; } ?>
Admin"; } if ($uri[0] == "admin" && !$user['is_admin']) { http_response_code(401); die("A cat standing in front of a door with a No Cats Allowed sign on it."); } if ($uri[0] == "docs") { $include = "docs.php"; } } skip_formalities: include($include); ?>