Initialising DB..."); echo "
Create table `accounts`"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare('create table accounts ( id varchar(7) not null primary key, email text not null, created_date datetime default current_timestamp() not null, display_name text null, password text not null, verified tinyint(1) default 0 not null, has_pfp tinyint(1) default 0 not null, is_admin tinyint(1) default 0 not null, constraint email unique (email) using hash );'); try { $stmt->execute(); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo('
An error occurred: '. $e->getMessage() .'. Will skip. (Most likely the table already exists.)'); } echo '
Create the `password_resets` table'; $stmt = $pdo->prepare('create table password_resets ( id int auto_increment primary key, auth_id tinytext not null, owner_id varchar(7) not null, expiration int not null, constraint password_resets_ibfk_1 foreign key (owner_id) references accounts (id) );'); try { $stmt->execute(); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo('
An error occurred: '. $e->getMessage() .'. Most likely this is already set.'); } echo '
Create the `apps` table'; try { db_execute('create table apps ( id int auto_increment primary key, owner_id varchar(7) not null, title text not null, description text, image text default "" not null, type text null, callback text null, constraint apps_ibfk_1 foreign key (owner_id) references accounts (id) );'); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo('
An error occurred: '. $e->getMessage() .'. Most likely this is already set.'); } echo '
Create the `badges` table'; try { db_execute('create table badges ( id int auto_increment primary key, app_id int not null, title text not null, description text, image text default "" not null, type text null, callback text null, constraint badges_ibfk_1 foreign key (app_id) references apps (id) );'); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo('
An error occurred: '. $e->getMessage() .'. Most likely this is already set.'); } echo '
Create the `profiles` table'; try { db_execute('create table profiles ( id varchar(7) primary key, description text null, public_avatar tinyint(1) default 0, public_display_name tinyint(1) default 0, constraint profiles_ibfk_1 foreign key (id) references accounts (id) );'); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo('
An error occurred: '. $e->getMessage() .'. Most likely this is already set.'); } echo '
Create the `tokens` table'; try { db_execute('create table tokens ( id int auto_increment primary key, access_token text unique, refresh_token text null, expiry int not null, owner_id varchar(7), application_id int(10) null, constraint tokens_application_id foreign key (application_id) references apps (id), constraint tokens_owner_id foreign key (owner_id) references accounts (id) );'); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo('
An error occurred: '. $e->getMessage() .'. Most likely this is already set.'); } echo "
Database initialised.
"; } } ?>Assuming you have the database config configured, you can click this button to create the tables required for this thing to function.